LC8 Rally

Let’s meet the 1st week of September 2023 at Enduro Park Isabena Aragon, Spain

Isabena trophy

Offered by Camping Isabena during the LC8 Rally the 1st week of September : The motto of the Isabena Trophy is : 2 days of motorcycle action. Each participant receives a book with about 70 checkpoints, offroad and onroad. The checkpoints can be approached in any order. Many challenging offroad kilometers are waiting to connect…

Tourism & Motorcycle POIs in OpenStreetMap

For general tourism parameters, see the Tourism tag overview. For motorcycle values, see taginfo. To edit by laptop / computer, the “ID editor” (in your browser) is recommended. You just need an account.The only downside are the opening hours, you should check the format using YoHours. Editing by app is possible using OsmAnd or….

Import favorites to OsmAnd

Gpx files are an exchange format for geo data. This means you may exchange points of interest, tracks or routes between different navigation devices, apps or route planning applications. Routes may also be generated and exported using To import the LC8 Rally POIs and passes to OsmAnd, download the file* to your device (mobile…

Creating OpenStreetMap POIs with FAQ : How can I add a new place to the map Tip to the place to create it. Choose the desired POI type, i.e Motorcycle shop Add details like contact data More detailed editing is possible with OsmAnd. For full functionality, edit it with a browser on your PC, Laptop or Tablet. You…

Ad hoc automated route planning

With you may either pick points to create the most curvy route or use the “roundtrip” generator : Don’t miss the dealer POIs : Based on OpenStreetMap data, similar posts : KTM dealer download Motorcycle friendly accommodations

Motorcycle friendly accommodations

Recently, a new key has been introduced to OpenStreetMap to mark accomodations either as : motorcycle_friendly yes                    (if there are special offers for bikers) customary       (nothing special, but nice) no                     (if they are barely accepted) Using OpenStreetMap : The mobile (offline navigation) app OsmAnd is currently implementing this as a POI. With the same app,…